Caddie Putnam Rankin
- Associate Professor of Business Management; Chair, Department of Business Management
- 410-778-8301
- Daly 205
Office Hours
Monday 11:00-1:00, Wednesday 10:30-12:00, and by appointment. Visit to make an appointment.
2011 Ph.D. in Sociology, Specialization in Organizational Theory and Corporate Social Responsibility, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia.
Dissertation: “Giving Back in a Profit-Driven World: Corporate Social Responsibility in the Mutual Fund Industry”.
2008 M.A. in Sociology, Concentration in Organizations and Stratification, Emory University,
Atlanta, Georgia.
2002 B.A. in Sociology, Minor International Politics, Connecticut College, New London,
My research focuses on the intersections of business and society with an emphasis on corporate social responsibility, professionalization, and benefit corporations.
I work closely with students on their research and look for exciting opportunities to engage students in the research I am doing.
Selected Research with Students
Putnam Rankin, Caddie, Maura West, and Olivia Portera. 2021. “Defunding the Endowment: A Stakeholder Analysis.” SAGE Business Cases.
Putnam Rankin, Caddie and Lindsay Pass. Working Paper. “Can ESOPs Overcome the Motivational Challenges of High Skills Gaps?”
I teach the final, required course for the Business Management major: BUS 401, Strategic Management and electives Corporate Social Responsibility and Introduction to Nonprofit Management.